Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Painting #51 DC – America’s hometown

I love DC. It feels so alive, energized, and historical. I mean, I’m not one to spend all day in just any old musium, but in DC, I could spend days and days and days walking down K street, over to 13th, of course, stopping in every art gallery, museum, and shop along the way (hey, why not? They’re all free!) of course I’d miander down Pensilvania Ave… take a look at the white house… see if I can spot a who’s-who of DC (or the world for that matter). Last time we were there there was a nice string of black armored linmos loading up. Not sure if we saw Obama, but there was a sniper on the roof. I think he looked right at me! Ah!
My oldest memorie of DC was 4th of July on a sunny, hot day, sitting in front of the Washington Monument for hours, and hours, and hours. My grandmother and I went to the Natural History Museum to look at the First Lady’s dresses (I have always loved sparkling things) and I had to use a porta-potty! But, it was all worth it when those fire works started… breathtaking.
So, in salute to our nation, I painted a watercolor painting of the National Monument, in DC. It’s a 6x9.5 watercolor paitning.

Don't forget to check out my etsy shop!  There are still some paitnings for sale there.  And, the contest ends in NINE days!  Be sure to enter to win a lovely original oil painting!

We had a play-date (for the moms more than the babies…) today!
It was fun and the babies were so cute I had to share photos with you!

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